Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Colonial Capital Maximum

經濟意識形態之形式為Cc+Ss;其中,c為單位資本主義,s為單位社會主義,C為資本額,S為群體中個體數目。 The form of economic ideology is Cs+Sc, wherein c means the unit Capitalism, s means the unit Socialism, C means the capital amount, and S is the number of the individuals in the colony.
  1. 純粹資本主義可生產資本額C達極限Cmax;其發生時,社會主義趨近於零。
  2. 純粹社會主義可造福群體中個體數目S達極限Smax;其發生時,資本主義趨近於零。
  3. 上開兩主義可能同時歸零,致經濟崩潰。
  1. The pure Capitalism produces a maximum capital amount, Cmax, and it occurs when the Socialism approaches to zero.
  2. The pure Socialism contributes to a maximum number of the individuals in the colony, Smax, and it occurs when the Capitalism approaches to zero.
  3. It is possible the two isms are both zero, and the situation is called "the economic collapse".
Then by Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, when choosing Smaxc+Cmaxs to be our economic ideology, we have the colonial capital maximum[1].


[1] 資本最大化未必係利益最大化。 A capital maximum is not necessary a interest maximum.
