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第1篇第3章第3節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.3, Section.3 |
現象⊃群體⊃廣義價值理論 |
The Phenomena⊃The Colony⊃The General Value Theory |
§ 1 |
I |
- 多元性,以測定知識。
- 實用性,以測定資本。
- 生產力,以測定勞動。
Knowledge, capital and labor show their orthogonality in a value space through the following measures, in order to describe the general value theory:
- The variety, which measures knowledge.
- The utility, which measures capital.
- The productivity, which measures labor.
II |
- 多元性,即多元基數目。
- 實用性,即多元向量實用部。
- 生產力,即實用性至多元性之轉移率。
The words in the preceding paragraph are defined as follows:
- The variety is the number of variety bases.
- The utility is the utility part of a variety vector.
- The productivity is the transition rate from the utility to the variety.
§ 2 |
I |
客體多元向量,在相容邏輯系統下完全表示客體性質。 |
The variety vector of an object completely expresses the properties of the object. |
II |
多元向量之權係時變函數。 |
Weights of a variety vector are time-variant functions. |
多元向量之權在特定時間之值,等於其在前一瞬間之值與特定值之內積,故一旦在特定時間歸零,將從此恆為零。 |
The value of a weight of a variety vector at a certain time equals to the inner product of its value at the exactly previous instant and a certain value, and if it once returns to zero at a certain time, it remains zero henceforth. |
IV |
多元函數之權在閔可夫斯基時空之映射,可相容表示為能量。 |
The maps of the weights of a variety vector in Minkowski's spacetime can be consistently expressed as energy. |
§ 3 |
知識,係由勞動以資本維持之。 |
The knowledge is preserved with capital through labor. |
§ 4 |
基於知識、資本及勞動之任意一者或任意兩者之準價值理論,可能互相不相容,而引發爭議。 |
Quasi value theories based on any one or any two of knowledge, capital and labor are possibly inconsistent with each other, and cause issues. |
§ 5 |
客體經廣義價值理論測定為價值向量,再經主體主觀加權為主觀價值向量。 |
An object is measured to be a value vector by the general value theory, then is subjectively weighted to be a subjective value vector by a subject. |
§ 6 |
客體價值,係其主觀價值向量之範數。 |
The value of an object is the norm of its subjective value vector. |